Breast Augmentation.


Enhance your breasts with more volume and cleavage!

What is Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure to make your breasts larger. The procedure is generally performed through small incisions placed either around your areolae or under the fold of each breast through which either a saline or silicone implant is inserted. The goal is to provide more volume, projection (degree to which the breasts project out on side view), and cleavage (fullness and gentle curvature in the upper-inner aspect of the breasts as seen in a bra or in clothes). The degree to which each of these occurs depends on your anatomy, breast measurements, and desire for size enhancement.

Breast Augmentation benefits

The benefit of augmenting your breasts with an implant-based breast augmentation is that the procedure can be done quickly, safely, and with little downtime. The results are immediate and predictable.

Immediate enhancement

Using a breast implant to add volume creates an immediate enhancement in the size, projection, and cleavage of your breasts.

Minimal scarring

A typical breast augmentation can be performed through relatively small incisions, thereby minimizing visible scars.

Improved confidence

Women who choose implant augmentation usually find a better fit in certain clothing such as bras, bathing suits, and tops; this leads to increased satisfaction and confidence in their appearance.

Who is a good candidate for Breast Augmentation

An ideal candidate for a breast augmentation is someone who is 18 years of age or older, in good health, and with little to no evidence of ptosis (hanging of the nipple-areola below the inframammary fold). If the latter condition is present or there are other changes related to prior breast surgery, pregnancy, or weight changes, then additional procedures may be necessary at the time of augmentation such as a mastopexy / breast lift, capsulotomy or capsulectomy, fat grafting, etc. Consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast surgery is the best way to understand if you are a good candidate for breast augmentation and / or if one of these additional procedures may be indicated.

Breast Augmentation techniques

The procedure is performed in a sterile operating room usually under general anesthesia. Several different techniques can be used, all of which differ in either their placement of the scar, plane of implant placement, and type of implant. The two most commonly used incisions are either the peri-areolar or the inframammary crease incisions. The peri-areolar incision follows the lower border of the areolar margin. In the inframammary approach, a small incision is made in the crease underneath the breast as it attaches to the chest wall. In either case, the breast tissue is divided until encountering the chest wall and the plane behind the gland or behind the pectoralis major muscle is then entered. Either incision allows for placement of the implant behind the gland or behind the muscle. The choice of incision, type of implant, and technique are all discussed during your consultation.

Breast Augmentation Videos

Breast Augmentation implant types

In addition to choosing an incision, you will decide between two types of implants: saline or silicone. Both implants have a durable silicone polymer outer shell. A saline implant is filled with a physiologic solution called normal saline. This is the same fluid that is used in intravenous fluids for hydration. The fluid can be easily reabsorbed by your body should the implant leak. Silicone implants are filled with a cohesive silicone gel. Known as the “gummy bear implant,” today’s generation of silicone implants have the feel of a soft gummy bear when held in your hand. Both implant types are FDA approved and have a similar risk and safety profile.

Breast Augmentation Before & After

Your initial Breast Augmentation consultation

During your first visit with the plastic surgeon, he / she will review your medical and surgical history with particular attention to your breast history. Examination and measurements will be done, and photos will be taken for your chart. You will be able to try on breast sizers that correlate with the look and feel of the implant size you choose. Lastly, a plan for surgery and pricing will be discussed.

Breast Augmentation pre-procedure preparation

There are only a few basic things needed to prepare for a breast augmentation. On the day of your surgery, plan to wear loose, comfortable clothing, such as a button-up shirt (nothing that goes over your head) and stretchy sweat pants or similar bottoms. All nail polish and jewelry should be removed. Choose to wear glasses instead of contact lenses. Please leave any valuable items at home. A few days before your surgery, we will order your post-operative medications, including a muscle relaxant, so you can pick them up ahead of time. You will also be provided with a surgical bra as aftercare, so there is no need to buy any special post-operative garments. If you are on certain medications there may be specific instructions on how to take them prior to surgery. Please notify your surgeon if there is a change in your medical history or new medications.

Breast Augmentation recovery

There will be some period of healing and discomfort after breast augmentation surgery. Some bruising, swelling, and pain are expected. You may require narcotic pain medication in the first 1 to 3 days. The muscle relaxant will also provide some relief of pain caused by spasm of the pectoralis muscles. If you were prescribed antibiotics, you will need to take these for the full course; please notify us if you cannot tolerate the full course of antibiotics. Although it is natural to rest as part of recovery, we encourage you to get up and move some, if even just inside your house to get a glass of water or to use the bathroom. You will be able to use your arms for basic activities such as eating and getting dressed; heavy lifting more than 5 pounds is not recommended for at least 4-6 weeks. For many, a gradual increase in activity is tolerated at weeks 3-4, when you feel more comfortable and better healed. A non-underwire bra is recommended until fully healed.

Breast Augmentation results

You will see a noticeable difference in the way your breasts look and feel after a breast augmentation. The size change relates to the size of the implant and tissue quality as well as a degree of swelling. An implant that is placed behind the muscle will also be sitting in a slightly higher position after surgery than it was during the procedure due to spasm of the muscle. Over the first 1 to 2 months, your muscles relax and the skin stretches to accommodate the increase in size. You may be asked to refrain from any heavy lifting or strenuous activities during this timeframe. Your surgeon will discuss scar and implant massage after the initial 2-3 weeks or when appropriate.

Breast Augmentation Case Study

Breast Augmentation anesthesia

The procedure is performed under general endotracheal anesthesia. You will need an adult over 18 years of age to accompany you home and sign off on your discharge paperwork. Expect 1-2 hours in the recovery area before you will feel ready to go home with your chaperone.

Breast Augmentation complications

Breast augmentation with implants is a safe, quick, and reliable procedure to increase the size of your breasts. When performed by an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, post-operative complications are uncommon. The most common condition that can occur after implant placement is “capsular contracture,” whereby the capsule which normally forms around the implant becomes hardened or thickened. If this were to occur, it is more common to form over time but can develop much sooner (even within a few months) and can be treated with massage, some medications, and surgery. As with any surgery, there is a small risk of bleeding, infection, fluid collection, and / or implant failure / rupture. More serious complications such as damage to the lung or blood clots can also happen but are very rare.

Breast Augmentation cost and financing

Breast augmentation is considered an elective, cosmetic procedure. For primary augmentation purposes, this procedure is not covered by insurance. The cost for a breast augmentation depends on the type of implant to be used as well as any ancillary procedures that may be indicated. The usual price range is $7500-$8500 which includes the surgeon’s fee, implants, facility and anesthesia charges. Your pre- and post-operative visits are also included in this price. If you need financing, Plastic Surgery of Westchester can assist you in applying for Care Credit.

Breast Augmentation FAQ’s

Are breast implants the best way to increase the size of your breasts?

Breast augmentation with implants is the most direct and predictable way to increase the size of your breasts. The implant size stays consistent over time which makes this a permanent result. Fat grafting is another known method to increase breast volume but can take more than one procedure with only modest size increases expected. There are risks associated with fat grafting such as loss of the graft volume, production of oil cysts or other masses in your breasts which may require imaging or biopsies, and inadequate improvement in size or cleavage.

Where will the incisions be placed?

The incisions are commonly periareolar (hidden at the junction of your pigmented areolar skin and breast skin) or at the inframammary crease (hidden within the fold underneath your breast).

Will I choose saline or silicone implants?

For most women, the choice of type of implant (either saline or silicone) will be based on personal preference. Your surgeon can help you decide which type of implant may be best for you.

What are the differences between saline and silicone implants?

Saline and silicone implants have some similarities and some differences. They are both made with a silicone polymer outer shell which is quite durable. Either can be placed via a periareolar or inframammary incision and behind the pectoralis major muscle or solely behind the breast tissue. In most cases, the implants will be positioned behind the muscle for improved coverage and a more natural appearance. They will also be less susceptible to a condition called “capsular contracture,” which is a known potential risk of having breast implants.

Saline implants are filled with a physiologic salt water solution. In the event of an implant rupture, this fluid will simply be reabsorbed by your body. Silicone implants are filled with a silicone cohesive gel (a.k.a., “gummy bear” implants) that is more like the consistency of a thick gel. It is more difficult to diagnose a rupture with a silicone implant since this gel does not necessarily cause a deflation. Such a diagnosis can be made by your plastic surgeon on physical exam and may require further imaging, such as an MRI.

Either type of implant is safe and effective and can be used for primary breast augmentation, combined with a mastopexy (breast lift), or in reconstruction.

What size implant should I choose?

The best way to determine what size implants will give you the result you want is to come for an in-person consultation and try on implant sizers. In general, you will gain one full cup size for every 200-250cc of implant volume. Ultimately, the appropriate range of implant sizes depends on examination of your chest and breast measurements.

Where is the surgery performed?

The surgery can be performed in our AAAASF-accredited, Harrison location ambulatory surgery facility.

What will my recovery feel like?

As with any surgery, there is going to be a period of recovery and discomfort. When you wake up from surgery, you may feel heaviness or pressure across your chest. Many people find that they feel more comfortable the next day. You may need only acetaminophen to manage the discomfort after the first 24 hours. Certain movements such as pulling or pushing as well as strenuous activity or heavy lifting should be avoided.

What are some potential complications?

As with any surgical procedure, there can be complications. The most common complication is capsular contracture, which is a thickening and/or tightening of the scar capsule around the implant. The longer you have an implant, the more likely this may occur. Capsular contracture presents as a combination of visible deformity or appearance of the implant and sometimes persistent pain. Other complications include post-operative bleeding or fluid collection, pain, adverse scarring, change of nipple sensation, problems with wound healing, asymmetry, desire for a different size, and need for future surgeries to maintain your result.

What are the long-term effects of a breast augmentation?

Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices. They are, however, quite durable with low rates of rupture or implant failure. However, capsular contracture can occur, necessitating surgical intervention. The other common reason for re-operation is to increase the size of the implant. Women who choose breast augmentation are highly satisfied with their choice to undergo this procedure.

Facilities & Hospital Affiliations

Our surgeons have hospital privileges at Montefiore Medical Center, Jacobi Medical Center, Westchester Medical Center, Montefiore New Rochelle and New York Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital. They also perform procedures in their fully accredited operating room in Harrison, NY.

Our state of the art facility is professionally designed and decorated for your comfort. We are always interested to know if there is anything we can do to enhance your experience. We appreciate your suggestions and pledge to work as a team to make your time here a rewarding experience.

  • Montefiore Medical Center
  • Jacobi Medical Center
  • Westchester Medical Center
  • Montefiore New Rochelle
  • New York Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital

Accreditation and Associations

We maintain an AAAASF accredited surgical suite, equipped like a hospital operating room with the privacy and ease of an office setting, offering full general anesthesia for more complex procedures as well as sedation and local anesthesia for other procedures. We enjoy a strong relationship with some of the finest hospitals in the area, offering overnight and extended post-operative stays if medically advisable. This is ideal for our out of town patients, those with little post-operative help, or those desiring a more private recovery. We can also arrange your stay at a variety of hotels within minutes of our facility and arrange an overnight “sitter” if desired.


Contact Us

Schedule your Breast Augmentation Consultation

Please contact us with any questions or if you would like to setup a time for a one-on-one consultation with one of our surgeons.

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Dr. Nicole Nemeth

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon

American Board of Plastic Surgery


Dr. Vadim Pisarenko

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon

American Board of Plastic Surgery
American Board of Surgery


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